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ufpy package


Ufpy (Useful Python) - is a package for simplifying Python programs using many useful features.

Now Ufpy has these features:


To install ufpy, you need python 3.12+ and pip. After installing, use this command in your cmd/bash terminal:

pip install ufpy
# or
python -m pip install ufpy
# or
py -m pip install ufpy
python -3.12 -m pip install ufpy
# or
py -3.12 -m pip install ufpy

Importing and writing some code

After installing, you can use ufpy package in all your projects with 3.12+ python version. Just import ufpy or import certain classes, functions and variables.

import ufpy
from ufpy import UDict


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You can also contribute to ufpy package or ufpy docs site. Just go to ufpy repository using button in right-top of page. For contributing to site you can go to ufpy-website repository.